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Primary school education is one of the crucial elements of your child’s formative years, even more so for lower primary students as it establishes the foundation to better absorb advanced subject matters. That is why, as parents ourselves, we empathise with your persistent search for schools that offer a well-rounded academic and co-curricular programme for your child. Some of us would even go as far as volunteering time outside of our busy schedules, just for a better chance of securing a place in a prestigious school.

But what happens after your child starts attending school? We have heard from so many parents who have come through our doors sharing their concerns :

“My child is writing in broken sentences! How can I get him to write them correctly?”

“My child has plenty of story ideas but when he writes, the story is either out of point or just simply too draggy. What’s wrong?

“How can I get my child to read more?”

“My child reads a lot but why isn’t she able to answer the Comprehension questions correctly?

Here at Knowledge Trail, we understand your frustration and your child’s difficulty. The best part is that Knowledge Trail’s English Tuition curriculum from Primary 1 to 4 is designed to address those concerns by:

  • Improving reading ability, increasing general knowledge and building an extensive vocabulary through levelled readers (Reading *A-Z series) and other current articles
  • Tackling comprehension tests with ease through practising comprehension skills and answering techniques
  • Spark critical thinking skills through the sharing of thoughts and ideas during discussion of the text
  • Fluency in spoken and written expressions through honing creative writing skills
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As par­ents our­selves, we expe­ri­ence the stress our own chil­dren strug­gle with in school. This stress just keeps increas­ing, year after year. The ques­tions keep get­ting harder and the time to com­plete them gets shorter.

We think to our­selves, “Gosh! Were we so stressed dur­ing our own school days? How did we ever man­age to keep up?”  Worse, the syl­labus has changed so much that we can­not help our chil­dren, even if we had the time to. The ques­tions have just changed so much!

Yet, being in this highly com­pet­i­tive soci­ety, where excel­lent grades mat­ter so much, our chil­dren face so much pres­sure try­ing their best to do well in their school’s exam­i­na­tions. There are some chil­dren who really do very well under such sit­u­a­tions, but most other chil­dren don’t.

These chil­dren, after numer­ous attempts to do well and who still can­not get the marks they deserve, get dis­cour­aged and can become indif­fer­ent. As teach­ers and par­ents, we know that such chil­dren are the hard­est ones to reach out to. My wish for such chil­dren is that they had obtained help ear­lier. With early inter­ven­tion, these chil­dren can be turned around and do bet­ter in their stud­ies. Sub­se­quently, more oppor­tu­ni­ties will be opened up to them when seek­ing uni­ver­sity stud­ies and look­ing for their ideal jobs. ...
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