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Do you find yourself in a similar situation?

  • “My son is not interested in Maths.”
  • “I don’t know how to motivate my child to want to do better in Maths.”
  • “My daughter is too afraid to ask questions. She is worried that the teacher will scold her if she does not understand the teacher’s methods. So, she has given up on Maths. ”

Most of these parents then reach the wrong conclusion that their children are weak in Maths.

Nothing can be further from the truth!

The truth is EVERY child can do well in Maths. They only need to be taught correctly, using the right techniques, with patience and the proper guidance.

At Knowledge Trail, we understand the struggles you and your child face. After all, we are parents too. We are also former school teachers who have helped many students, even the weakest ones, improve their Maths scores SIGNIFICANTLY within a relatively short time. We have made it our mission now to address the learning needs of your child.

We believe in making our lessons

  • Effective. Every second of the lesson is used to fill up the gaps in your child’s understanding.
  • Empowering. We aim to have your child become more self-confident by increasing his knowledge and ability to answer even the hardest of Maths questions.
  • Awesome. Every worksheet is carefully designed to build up your child’s understanding and problem solving skills.

Our Primary Maths Tuition Programme has helped many children transform their grades from a “FAIL” to a Band 2 grade or better, within 7 lessons! Some of our students, because of their newly found confidence and understanding of our Model Drawing techniques, go on to score even Band 1 results consistently! Our teachers, all of whom are former Primary School teachers, will teach your child the essential model drawing techniques and strategies to solve even the hardest Problem Sums.

Through our lessons, your child will…

  • Attain a deeper understanding of concepts
  • Achieve greater confidence in achieving excellent results
  • Gain a sustained improvement through carefully designed notes and week-to-week worksheets to practice on

Through practical use of ICT, we help your child understand Mathematical concepts better and faster.


We can and will help your child do BETTER in Maths, QUICKLY and WITHOUT ANY STRESS!

Here at Knowledge Trail, we believe practice makes perfect. Our teachers will guide your child through a tightly integrated thinking process of:

Step 1:

Understanding the Problem

By learning to highlight key phrases and making concept links, your child will be able to make sense of the question and gain a thorough understanding of it.

Step 2:

Framing the Question 

Breaking down and framing the question in smaller, simpler parts allow your child to easily digest the question without being overwhelmed by numbers.

Step 3:

Choosing the Best Strategies to Solve the Problem 

Different questions demand their own appropriate model drawing techniques. Your child will learn how to recognise the questions, draw the corresponding model and use it to correctly solve the problem.

Step 4:

Checking for Accuracy 

Arriving at an answer is meaningless if it is wrong. Your child will learn how to maximise the allocated time remaining after the test or exam is completed, to check the answer by substituting it back into the question.

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As par­ents our­selves, we expe­ri­ence the stress our own chil­dren strug­gle with in school. This stress just keeps increas­ing, year after year. The ques­tions keep get­ting harder and the time to com­plete them gets shorter.

We think to our­selves, “Gosh! Were we so stressed dur­ing our own school days? How did we ever man­age to keep up?”  Worse, the syl­labus has changed so much that we can­not help our chil­dren, even if we had the time to. The ques­tions have just changed so much!

Yet, being in this highly com­pet­i­tive soci­ety, where excel­lent grades mat­ter so much, our chil­dren face so much pres­sure try­ing their best to do well in their school’s exam­i­na­tions. There are some chil­dren who really do very well under such sit­u­a­tions, but most other chil­dren don’t.

These chil­dren, after numer­ous attempts to do well and who still can­not get the marks they deserve, get dis­cour­aged and can become indif­fer­ent. As teach­ers and par­ents, we know that such chil­dren are the hard­est ones to reach out to. My wish for such chil­dren is that they had obtained help ear­lier. With early inter­ven­tion, these chil­dren can be turned around and do bet­ter in their stud­ies. Sub­se­quently, more oppor­tu­ni­ties will be opened up to them when seek­ing uni­ver­sity stud­ies and look­ing for their ideal jobs. ...
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