WSQ- Develop a WSH Management system Implementation plan ( Level 4 )(Partner Offered Course)
Course Aim:
Participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to be a Risk Management Champion for their organization. Understand how to reduce risks at source by managing the risk management process at the workplace and for recognition of bizSAFE Level 2 by Workplace Safety and Health Council.
Course Date & Duration :
23,24,25,26 Mar(09.00 AM to 06.30 PM) & 30 Mar ( 06.30 PM to 10.00 PM )
Course Overview:
The main objective of the course is to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to be a RM Team Leader/Risk Management Champion for the organization in reducing risks at source by managing the risk management process at workplace. It involves developing a practical risk management implementation plan for the organization which identify specific actions to be taken, by whom and time for their completion.
- Formation of risk management team
- Risk assessment
- Controlling and monitoring the risks
- Communicating these risks to all persons involved
- In compliance with the Risk Management Code of Practice (RMCP)
IC Copy + Education cert / Self declaration letter
Course Venue:
Little India
Weekdays | 09:00 AM — 06:30 PM |
WSH Experts Pte Ltd established in Singapore to provide integrated services to the industry. We provide wide range of services to all the sectors
We are dedicative and having capability to provide the best innovative solutions to satisfy your needs.
Our Team has the global expertise with local experience to assist the organizations. Our team has worked with international organizations which enables us to give suitable global solutions.
WSH Experts team constitutes of experienced professionals who have many years of experience.