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The programme helps participants to develop themselves into active controbutors in their organisation by not only helping themselves become self- empowered individuals,but also managing their interdependent relationships with people that help their performance. At the end of the programme,participants will be able to : 

  • Asset themselves in empowering ways in their work and in their relationships with others at work 
  • Creat positive relationships by making positive changes in themselves first
  • Prepare themselves for continued growth and development by applying 7 empowering ways of "marketing themselves" 
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Founded in 2013, GlobalPetro Solutions aims to provide Highest Quality Training and Service Delivery to ensure quality customer satisfaction and excellence. It is our goal to improve and enhance competency within all sectors and business areas.


We aspire to be the leading training solutions provider of choice in South East Asia (SEA)

To consistently provide holistic learning solutions to enhance our clients with skills and knowledge, based on current best practices - meeting their competency requirements, quality standard, performance and relevance to the industry.

To align goals of training and business outcomes.
To ensure clients receive ROI in training and value added services.
To improve employee morale and sustainability through innovative and interesting training.
To capitalize human potential through effective “Continuous Professional Development” programs

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